Do you have age spots, brown spots, or other darkened areas of skin pigmentation? Pigmented lesions are extremely common skin blemishes that often appear with age or excessive sun exposure, hence why they’re also referred to as sun spots.
Many customers receive laser treatment to remove these unsightly skin blemishes to rewind time, clear their complexion, and reveal healthier-looking skin. Nu Skyn offers effective laser treatments to eliminate brown spots once and for all!
Unlike skin cancer, benign pigmented lesions don’t pose any harm. If a dark spot isn’t raised, has a smooth edge, is symmetrical, and doesn’t change shape over time, it’s most likely benign. However, Nu Skyn recommends consulting with a physician or dermatologist before seeking laser treatment to be sure.
How Laser Treatment Works
At Nu Skyn, our certified laser technicians use the
Astanza Duality
to remove unwanted pigmented lesions safely and effectively. This laser uses advanced wavelengths to target the excess melanin in your skin, creating sun spots, age spots, and brown spots. The laser concentrates energy which converts to heat and shatters the pigment in your skin without damaging the surrounding skin tissue. The shattered pigment fragments are broken into small pieces that your immune system naturally flushes out. As your body removes the shattered pigment, your skin reveals a clearer complexion.
Pigmented lesion treatments are effective on all body parts but are most performed on the face, neck, chest, hands, and other areas commonly exposed to the sun.
Results and Expectations
Pigmented lesion removal treatments are very quick and last only a few minutes, depending on the number of sunspots being treated. Clients can expect to feel a warming sensation from the laser and usually see significant fading after one treatment. For heavily pigmented spots, successive treatments are recommended; many clients see complete removal within three sessions.
Over the weeks following treatment, a scab may form over the treated area. Please do NOT pick the scab; let it heal naturally to avoid the risk of infection and scarring. To prevent additional sun spots from forming, Nu Skyn advises all clients to apply sunscreen daily and wear protective clothing.